Fungal Century Beauty
《菌世紀醫美》透過 Speculative Design,建構融合真菌科技的沉浸式場域,挑戰觀眾對人體、科技與自然的既定想像,並與中研院氣候科學家合作,以專業的氣候推演為基礎,建構2074年的未來情境,使作品在科學基礎上展開藝術想像。
皮膚生態系統被視為一座現代科技的實驗室,面對極端氣候挑戰 《菌世紀醫美》以獨特而富有想像力的方式呈現了一種共生的可能性。
Artist - Eliz Guei
Instructor - Kuan-Yi Ku
Makeup Design - Kuo Chun-Hua , Lin Bo-tai
Makeup Artist - Chen Huai-An
Fashion Styling - Bling at Backstage
Photography - Zhao Yo-Yu
Special Thanks - Huang Zi-lin , Li Hao-Chen , Lian Si-Yun , Hsu Ting-Jhen
Set in 2074 amid intensifying global climate catastrophes, "Fungal Century Beauty" manifests as a futuristic cosmetic product launch that interrogates the evolving symbiosis between human bodies and their environment. This speculative design project, developed in collaboration with climate scientists from Academia Sinica, constructs an evidence-based scenario of 2074 through rigorous climate modeling while expanding into artistic imagination. The installation transforms the exhibition space into an avant-garde beauty product launch event, addressing anxieties about appearance and skin vulnerability in an extreme climate future. Through the presentation of fungal-based beauty treatments and products, the work examines how the cosmetic industry might adapt to climate-induced skin crises while critiquing contemporary beauty standards and obsessions. Visitors become active participants rather than passive observers, assuming roles as journalists or scientists within this liminal space between reality and speculation. They physically engage with fungal treatment prototypes and biotechnology beauty products, contemplating future skincare paradigms and the intersection of technology and biological innovation. The artist performs as a brand ambassador, orchestrating improvisational dialogues with the audience through product demonstrations. This theatrical element employs hyperbole and humor to illuminate bodily vulnerabilities in extreme climate conditions while reflecting on the evolution of consumer culture and the beauty industry. "Fungal Century Beauty" translates macro-level climate crisis into intimate bodily experiences, personalizing abstract environmental issues through an innovative cross-disciplinary approach spanning design, technology, and ecology. The work challenges traditional performance art boundaries while creating an immersive space that reveals future corporeal challenges.