Human Zoo
展場本身被構築為一個巨大的隱喻 - 一座無形的動物園,觀眾在進入空間的瞬間,即轉化為展品的一部分。在這裡,觀看與被觀看的界線模糊,每位參與者既是局外的觀察者,也是身陷其中的表演者。服裝,這個人類文明最基本的符號,在藝術家的詮釋下搖身一變,成為束縛與解放的雙面刃。

This installation artwork explores the complex relationship between humans and the framework of civilization through the interweaving of clothing and behavior. Using piles of garments as a foundation, the artist unfolds a series of contradictory physical actions: from instinctive sniffing to rational cutting, from obedient dressing to rebellious undressing. These seemingly opposing gestures symbolize humanity's eternal struggle between social norms and primal desires. The exhibition space itself is constructed as a grand metaphor - an invisible zoo where visitors become part of the exhibition the moment they enter. Here, the boundaries between watching and being watched blur; each participant is simultaneously an outside observer and an embedded performer. Clothing, the most fundamental symbol of human civilization, transforms under the artist's interpretation into a double-edged sword of constraint and liberation. Through repeated performances with clothing, the work reveals the deep-seated predicament of modern humans within fashion culture: while we yearn for the sense of belonging that trends provide, we fear losing ourselves in the process. This complex interweaving of love and hate reflects the true state of every individual in contemporary society. Viewers are invited to contemplate: within this exquisite cage woven by civilization and norms, do we still remember our original selves? "Human Zoo" challenges viewers to re-examine their position within society's framework and consider whether these seemingly natural behavioral norms are actually invisible shackles constraining human nature. By transforming everyday clothing into artistic language, it suggests that perhaps only by recognizing these existing limitations can we find true freedom within them.