然而這些被稱為“無齒者”的新興階層並沒有徹底放棄口腔機能,為了維持適當的咀嚼動作和美觀的口型線條,選擇定期前往設備先進的 “口腔健身房” 進行客製化訓練。

'Oral Higym' is a speculative spatial design project in collaboration with dentists, set in a dystopian future. In this era, nuclear contamination has severely polluted soil and water resources, making traditional agriculture no longer safe. Laboratory synthesized food becomes the only trustworthy source of nutrition, leading humans to question natural foods. Teeth's chewing function loses its meaning and is seen as an infection risk. The social elite pursues a 'toothless lifestyle' viewing tooth extraction as a necessary path towards civilization. When audiences enter this futuristic oral fitness center, they become part of an ongoing performance through personalized oral function analysis systems and training recommendations. Each piece of training equipment, developed through collaboration with dentists, combines professional knowledge of oral muscles, mastication functions, and tongue movements with performative aesthetic value. In this immersive space, every detail from lighting, sound, to material selection creates an atmosphere both clinical and luxurious, enhanced by the purifying scent of medical sterilization. Audiences simultaneously play the roles of observers and participants, experiencing firsthand the lifestyle of the toothless elite. This extreme interpretation of body modification warns contemporary society: when we excessively pursue separation from nature, what ultimately changes might be the essence of humanity itself.